What Community of Christ has to offer.
A community of people where the gospel of Jesus Christ is the focus of worship, learning, caring, and mission. A faith community where deep friendships are established, individual ideas are valued, and where those special needs find security, care, and support. |
An opportunity for genuine spiritual growth and relationship with the Holy Spirit. A faith community that encourages the ministry of all people, including children and youth. A global community with a worldwide mission that values all cultures and celebrates the rich diversity of human life. Meaningful opportunities to serve Jesus Christ by helping others and promoting peace. |
Emporia Community of Christ
Help us to Grow!
Emporia CofChrist began as a church plant meeting in group member’s homes for in-person activities but discontinued in person activities due to COVID health issues.
We remain committed to providing ministry to this community. While we have been able to shift some activities to a digital (online) format, we recognize the importance of in-person ministry and would like to restart our in-person gatherings. We are constantly seeking ways to engage with the members of this community and provide meaningful ministry. |
As we look to restart our in-person ministry in this community, we will need disciples to help. If you have a particular skill or talent that you would like to offer, please let us know – we are always looking for ways to utilize the unique gifts of our members.
In addition to our public Facebook account, we have created a private Emporia CofChrist Ministry Facebook group as an online gathering place for those who would like to support the development of an In Person presence for this ministry in the Emporia, Kansas community. Request to join this group through your Facebook account.
Please spread the word. If you know someone in the Emporia community who may be interested in joining our faith community, please share our message with them. Word of mouth is one of the most powerful tools we have for building our faith community, and we appreciate any and all efforts to help us grow.
We believe that by working together and supporting one another, we can build a vibrant and welcoming community that serves as a beacon of hope and love in uncertain times. We invite you to join us on this journey and help us spread the good news of Christ.
This ministry is supported by the Community of Christ Midlands Mission Center.
Latter-day Seekers Ministry
If you are a member of the LDS community and are continuing to struggle on your faith journey, our Latter-day Seeker Ministry may be a great resource for you.
Not only does this ministry provide an opportunity to learn more about Community of Christ, but it also offers a welcoming and inclusive community for those who may feel isolated or disconnected from their current faith community.
This ministry encourages dialogue and open-mindedness, which can help you gain a deeper appreciation for other perspectives and beliefs. By engaging with a community of seekers who share your background, you may find a sense of belonging and connection that you may not have experienced before.
You can explore new ways of thinking about faith and spirituality without feeling pressured to abandon your current beliefs. The ministry offers a safe and supportive space to ask questions, share your experiences, and learn from others.
Our Latter-day Seeker Ministry is a great place to connect with others who are on a similar journey of seeking, learning, and growing.
Whether you're looking to expand your understanding of faith or simply want to connect with like-minded individuals, this ministry may be a valuable resource for you. While we seek dialogue with all people; we do not proselytize. For those happy in their faith, we are happy for you. |
Who is Community of Christ?
Searching for a Church Home?
Maybe it is time for you to consider something different. |
We do not proselytize anyone in an effort to change their faith. We do, however, invite all who are seeking to, come and see what God can do in their lives.
We invite you to experience the peace and meaning that fellowship in Community of Christ can bring to your life. A church is not a building, projects or programs. It’s people!
We offer a community of people where the gospel of Jesus Christ is the focus of worship, learning, caring, and mission. Check us out, see who we are and what we have to offer. |
Sharing in Community of Christ Explores Identity, Mission, Message, and Beliefs, of our church; and It contains church identity statements, Enduring Principles, Basic Beliefs, Mission Initiatives, and many other insights. You can download (free) a copy of this booklet from the Community of Christ website, in pdf format, by clicking on the image. |