What is Church?
The purpose of the church is to form disciples who faithfully share the gospel of peace in Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.
As congregational members become ensigns of Christ’s peace, ambassadors of reconciliation, and ministers of healing, they express the living presence of Christ in their congregations and in the world.
The church, the body of Christ, is called to proclaim the gospel (Good News) until Christ comes again.
As disciples of Christ, we are all called to conform our lives to his by living in loving community with others, seeing Jesus in the faces of the least of God’s children, and serving those whom the world has forgotten.
At their best, our congregations are positive and lively places, encouraging and inspiring us to expand our calling and understanding, and supportive and safe havens when we are hurt and tired and discouraged by life.
We promote local and worldwide communities that signal (represent, reveal) the peaceful reign of God on Earth. Some call this the cause (hope) of Zion.
When we effectively proclaim Jesus Christ by sharing our witness, ministries, and sacraments and promote Christ-centered communities of justice and peacefulness, we are sharing the peace of Jesus Christ.
What is Church?
Beyond the Walls - Online Worship Service - August 28, 2022
Beyond the Walls - Online Worship Service - August 28, 2022
We use the word “church” to refer to several different things: a building, a particular type of worship service, our own denomination, and to the body of all disciples. As more and more people in the West dismiss church as irrelevant to their lives, we pause to reflect on the question: “what is church?” What is the essence of a tradition that we have committed our lives to in sacred covenant? How are we called to be the church in a changing world?
A Message to the Unchurched
Maybe it is time for you to consider something different. We do not proselytize anyone in an effort to change their faith. We do, however, invite all who are seeking to, come and see what God can do in their lives. We invite you to experience the peace and meaning that fellowship in Community of Christ can bring to your life.
What I really want for you to know is that there is a place for you if you are looking for a place in Community of Christ.
If you seek meaning, God or the divine, I believe that the mystery is seeking for you, as well. Our community may be a place for you to join others in this journey of exploration. Join us and we can journey together. CofChrist Bishop Carla K Long |
What is the Christian Church?
Why is it important for Christians to meet together in fellowship and worship?
As part of the Project Zion Podcast God Shots series, Tony and Charmaine Chvala-Smith discuss various models the church can be and it’s theological purpose as they explore the term, ecclesiology. Host: Carla Long Guests: Tony and Charmaine Chvala-Smith |
The Great Reversal
This Community of Christ video message affirms that we first belong to God and one another.
This is the reversal of how we have understood or assumed the steps for membership in the church: “believe, behave and then belong.” |